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losing weight while pregnant effiectively & safely: TIPS

12 ways to lose weight  while pregnant : pregnancy weight loss tips 

losing weight while pregnant is very important for baby and mother .  Оbesity  during  рregnаnсy  inсreаses  the  risk  оf  vаriоus  рregnаnсy  соmрliсаtiоns,  inсluding  the  fоllоwing:  misсаrriаge,  stillbirth,  аnd  reсurrent  misсаrriаge.


In a perfect world, you have planned your pregnancy in every way. This includes your previous weight loss. But for many women, this is not true. Pregnancy, which is an exciting time, can turn into a survival problem for overweight women. This is because of the inevitable weight associated with having a baby.

Fortunately, growing research shows that weight loss during pregnancy is possible - and beneficial - for some overweight or obese women (they have a BMI over 30).

Losing weight, on the other hand, is not good for pregnant women who were at a healthy weight before pregnancy. If you believe you can benefit from losing weight during pregnancy, talk to your doctor about how you can do this safely without touching your baby.

Create a gradual weight loss program during pregnancy:

Even before the baby is born, your future baby is likely to rely on you in many ways. Your body nourishes and carries them for about 40 weeks, helping them to grow and develop. Being overweight can cause problems during pregnancy because it can get in the way of these processes.

weight loss in pregnancy

Obesity during pregnancy can lead to:

premature birth

to give birth to a dead child

surgical delivery

heart failure in a child

Maternal gestational diabetes (and type 2 diabetes later in life)

high blood pressure in the mother

preeclampsia: a serious form of high blood pressure that can affect other organs such as the kidneys

sleep deprivation

blood clots (especially on your legs)

diseases in the mother

Aside from such risks, your best way to lose weight is through a consistent, slow-moving program that focuses on healthy lifestyle changes. Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness.

If your doctor recommends losing weight, here is how to do it safely during pregnancy.

1. Know how much weight you need

Obesity during pregnancy can sometimes change the focus of weight loss only. But the fact is, you will still gain some weight, and it is important to know how much is healthy. After all, there is someone growing inside you!

Follow these pregnancy weight guidelines from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, depending on your pre-pregnancy weight:

overweight (BMI 30 or higher): gain 11 to 20 pounds

BMI between 25 pounds to 29.9: 15 to 25 pounds

average weight (18.5 to 24.9 BMI): can weigh between 25 to 35 pounds

2. Reduce calories

The first way you can lose excess weight is to reduce your daily calorie intake. Eating more calories than burned is the most common cause of weight gain. It takes a 3,500 calorie deficit to lose one pound. In about a week, this equals 500 calories a day to cut.

Before you cut down on the number of calories in your diet, be sure to keep a log and find out how many calories you actually eat. You can talk to your dietitian to discuss diet plans. You can also look at nutritious food labels from stores or restaurants to find out how many calories are in each food.

Remember that pregnant women should not consume less than 1,700 calories a day. This is minimal and helps to ensure that both you and your baby get enough energy and nutrients on a regular basis.

If you tend to burn more calories than this, consider cutting back a little. For example, you can:

eat small portions

cut condiment

switch to unhealthy fats (such as butter) of plant-based varieties (try olive oil)

trade in fruit baked goods

fill vegetables instead of traditional carbs

cut the soda, and choose water instead

avoid too many junk food, such as chips or candy

Take a prenatal vitamin to make sure you get all the nutrients you and your baby need. Folate is very important, because it helps reduce the risk of birth defects.

3. Exercise 30 minutes daily

Some women are afraid to exercise because they are afraid that it will harm their babies. But this is definitely not true. While some exercise, such as situps, can be dangerous, exercising is all very beneficial.

It can help you maintain your weight, reduce birth defects, and reduce some of the pain you experience during pregnancy.

The current recommendation is no different for non-pregnant women: 30 minutes of work a day. If this is beyond your ability to start, consider splitting 30 minutes into short blocks for the rest of the day.

Some of the best tests for pregnant women are:


to go


yoga before childbirth

to run

On the flip side, you should avoid any activities:

Rely on balance, such as cycling or skiing

they are made in heat

caused pain

it makes you dizzy

made on your back (12 weeks pregnant)

4. Prepare weight loss early

While you will definitely gain weight naturally from your pregnancy, most of this weight occurs in the second and third trimesters. Your baby is also growing fast in the last two months of pregnancy. You cannot control the weight gain caused by your baby with supplements such as the placenta, so it is best to deal with any weight problems before pregnancy.

Some successful weight gain among pregnant women was reported in a study published in the journal ObesityTrusted Source. Researchers found that women who received counseling between seven and 21 weeks of pregnancy were less likely to gain weight during the third trimester. The same group of women in her class benefited from weekly support group meetings.

This is just one example of how early planning has helped to weight loss while pregnant . If you want to lose weight, or control the amount of weight you get in full during your pregnancy, make sure your doctor helps you to come up with a plan early. Your doctor may also refer you to a dietitian for additional advice and diet plans

For many pregnant women, weight management is much safer than any other form of weight loss. Despite the benefits of having a lower BMI during pregnancy, weight loss is not suitable for all women.

Part of the concern comes from traditional weight loss methods: calorie cutting and exercise. It is important to watch your calorie diet and exercise during pregnancy. But excesses can hurt your child. This is why many doctors do not recommend weight loss during pregnancy, unless you are overweight. Discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your doctor.

Your doctor can help you make the best decision for you and your baby. You can always review the complete weight loss program after your baby is born.

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